Wildlife Sightings

On this page, we will keep you updated with sightings. These will represent just some of the many sightings of wildlife throughout the day at Trossachs Osprey Hide.

5th September

Certainly quieter on the Osprey front over the last couple of days. Just a couple of dives a day.

1st September

That’s all sessions at £30 each. Still ospreys, kingfishers and otters very much about!

28th August

We feel that as our birds arrived late this year they will be about until the end of September, still very much here now.

26th August

Ospreys still very much about, most sessions seeing plenty of dives. Kingfishers and sometimes Otters right through the day. Woodpeckers and woodland birds too

22nd August

We have cut back the rushes some and increased the stock going into the pond. Plenty of Ospreys still about, woodland birds too.

18th Aug, Another great few days. Excellent pictures of Ospreys. Plus Kingfishers and Otters

13th Aug

Plenty of Ospreys action over the last few days. 6 Kingfishers about, 4 have been seen together.

8th Aug,

At least 6 successful dives so far, by mid afternoon today, Otters about middle of day plus Kingfishers

7th Aug

Bit of a pattern over last couple of days with the Ospreys, morning right through to 1pm, lots of activity. Then a quieter afternoon before the birds are more active in the evening. At least 3 Kingfishers about and have been seen together.

5th Aug

Plenty of activity over the last week, though a bit weather dependent, heavy rain and very windy being not the best. Lots of dives , Kingfishers and Otters.

31st July, after a couple of quiet days ( by our standards) today has seen 10 dives, 4 taking fish, otters and kingfishers and still evening to go.

26th July, quick update from early morning session which saw 2 Ospreys fishing and 2 beavers.

25th July

A higher chance now of seeing an Osprey in the day time sessions. We are putting plenty of fish into the pond , so the birds have a good chance of catching, despite the normal weed growth for this time of year

.23rd July, The usual pattern of mornings and evenings, however we have had at least one bird hanging about most of the day, over the last couple of days. Lots of sightings of Kingfishers. 326 is feeding 2 chicks now.

19th July

Busy with otters, kingfishers and osprey in the early session this morning and then 10am-1pm session 4 osprey dives (2 successful), along with several kingfishers.

15th July

Early mornings excelling at the moment. Up to 3 different Ospreys, plus families of Otters, Kingfishers and Herons.

11th July, Again a bit of a pattern over the last few days, Early morning and evening seeing the best Osprey action. Kingfishers and even Otters about right through all the sessions.

8th July

The last few days have seen plenty of Osprey action. Also Kingfishers and their juveniles and Otters with cubs. Again mornings and evenings ( 3 birds take fish this evening) tending to be best.

4th July, the Ospreys like the weather, are a bit hit and miss at the moment. Mornings particularly are busy with Ospreys and Otters, but odd session during the day can still be a miss.

1st July

Again quiet in the hide over the last few days. Lots of activity from the ospreys, otters and kingfishers. Numerous dives morning and evening by the ospreys with occasional dives in the day.

28th June, Fairly quiet INSIDE the hide over the last day or so, but not outside! Ospreys now feeding chicks, fishing mainly morning and evening. Kingfishers active right through the day and always chance of Otters

26th June

this evenings session saw 3 successful dives plus Kingfishers.

Just spoken to a visitor in the hide this morning, he saw otters, ospreys and kingfishers fishing . Ospreys and kingfishers fishing last night too! Lots of fishing going on……. 😁 We have been stocking with the trout on a regular basis.

24th June, lots of activity over the last few days and some really good pictures being taken. People from the afternoon session just had an Otter on the bank right in front of the hide! .

21st June, Today we have had lots of Kingfisher action , including some poses in front of the hide. Otters , maybe a Beaver, lots of Ospreys about, though mainly fishing this evening ( 3 take fish in last hour) 7.30-8.30pm and no one in the hide then :(

20th June, we have put extra fish into the pond to make up for the ones flying away with the Ospreys!

5 so far and its only lunchtime. Lots of dives also.

18th June

Ospreys have been very active morning and evening still, but some fishing in the day time too. Otters seen early morning. Kingfishers in the day and evening sessions.

17th June. Good pictures of Ospreys and Otters this morning. Ospreys and Kingfishers through the day yesterday.

15th June, still possible to have a ‘blank’ session but generally you will see Ospreys/ Kingfishers/ Otters. Last night 4 Osprey dives plus Otters.

10th June, Busy with Ospreys, particularly morning and evening. Kingfishers being seen regularly and even an otter during an afternoon session.

7th June

Morning session saw two Ospreys take fish. Also the Kingfishers about right in front of the hide. Lots of small birds on the feeder.

Pair of Kingfishers yesterday evening, one on perch in front of hide. Two Ospreys fishing, though one was at 9.30pm.

5th JUNE

Generally getting busier Osprey wise, very good chance right through the day.

29th May

Ospreys being seen throughout the day, but more so in the mornings and evenings over the past week. Otter and kingfisher being seen too.

20th May

The last few days have seen plenty of Ospreys, with some very good pictures making their way to Instagram and facebook pages. Early morning probably the best time.

13th May

Busier again with the birds. Despite torrential rain/thunder & lightning yesterday evening we still had silver tagged bird diving! Otter, ospreys, goosanders and herons in the morning sessions specifically.

Quick update from this evenings session. Osprey fishing, several others flying by, otters and kingfishers.

11th May

Lots of ospreys about, not so many diving. Golden eagle spotted over the hills opposite the hide. Various small birds on the feeders.

8th May

Busy with the birds again today, Osprey on perch in front of hide ( nobody in hide to see it!) Otters and Kingfishers about too.

6th May

The pattern continues, most sessions seeing some Osprey activity , with just the odd one being unlucky. Remember that the birds are not feeding any young yet. Check out the recent pictures on Facebook and Instagram.

30th April

A bit hit and miss over this last week. Today has seen a constant stream of birds but the weekend was quieter. Evenings becoming better now.

23rd April. Still plenty of activity from Ospreys, a lot of circling overhead. Evenings quietest , though that will change as the days get longer

17th April. Busy with the Ospreys. Up to 8 birds fishing most days, with the morning through to lunchtime generally being the best.

11th April

Various birds about during the day. Otters and a Beaver on the night vision camera.

9th April, lunchtime

Two birds take fish mid morning, while we are busy on the farm. Also Kites about and an Otter crosses road near to the hide! At the moment , activity is happening during the day.

7th April

Looks like we have at least our 3 pairs back now, including blue 326 from Argaty.

4th April 2024

We saw our first Osprey on the 30th March. This last week we have seen several different birds feeding from our pond, they have been before! Otters and Kingfishers too.

19th September

No sightings over the last couple of days. The last visit from the Ospreys was on the 15th. We look forward to seeing them again next March.

12th, looks like there are two birds still here, fishing morning and late afternoon, over the last couple of days

9th September, 2 Ospreys already this morning ( 8.35am) one still sitting in the big Silver Birch tree now

7th September, still a couple of birds fishing mainly in the morning, Otters and Kingfishers also today

5th September, 3 this morning

4th September, up to 8 birds fishing daily for the first 3 days of this month, but only 1 so far this morning.

2nd Sep, 3 or 4 fishing over the last couple of days, mainly in the mornings

31st August, well 2 fishing Ospreys this morning, plus Otters and Kingfishers

30th August. That is likely the bulk of the birds gone until Spring. Just 1 about this morning. Plenty of Herons, Kingfishers, Otters and Woodpeckers etc on the feeders. Also the chance of a Beaver.

29th August, 4 birds fishing this morning 7-11am but none spotted this afternoon so far.

28th August, would expect the birds to migrate soon, but still here at the moment, mornings have been best last couple of days.

26th August, 4 different birds with 7 dives this morning

24th August, still a steady stream of birds, including blue 326, this morning

22nd August, birds still very much here at the moment, 8 visits and nobody in the hide to see them!

21st August, 5pm, 6 birds so far today and nobody in the hide first thing.

And now at 7.30pm, its 10 visits!

20th August, 6pm, 5 birds taking fish so far today, few more flying by. Kingfishers and Otters also

18th August,

Busy yesterday afternoon and evening and also so far this morning. Its nice that the birds are still very much still here, at the moment.

17th August, 9am.

4 more birds yesterday evening. Today, first time for a while nobody in the hide early morning, but we have seen 3 Ospreys 7am-8.30am

16th August

Busy evening yesterday, ended up with 9 visits for the day.

6 so far today, evening still to go.

15th August.

We have been away for a few days. Can see by the record in the hide and the pictures, that is has been busy with Ospreys and Otters.

Quiet so far this morning, just 3 birds seen.

11th August

8 birds and Otters yesterday but nothing in the evening, which was unusual. So far today busy morning and early afternoon, 7 birds by 5pm and now 10 by 7.45pm!

10th August

It is getting harder to predict the Ospreys! Mornings and evenings still the best with the odd session during the day seeing no birds. Good chance to see Otters and their young, mornings especially.

8th August

Still plenty of visits, including from this years youngsters. We would expect the birds to start migrating towards the end of this month and will keep updating this page.

4th August

Some quiet sessions but generally lots of fishing ospreys, otters in the morning, kingfishers and numerous woodland birds seen from the hide. Already this morning, 5 fishing ospreys!

30th July

10 visits from Ospreys yesterday, possibly the afternoon and evening being better than the morning.

Otters and their pups today.

28th July

It has been a busy few days with the Ospreys. The young for this year have fledged and we are looking forward to seeing them here.

23rd July 9.45pm

With the Osprey that is fishing now, that makes 11 visits for the day

21st July

Still plenty of activity. Ospreys fishing well. Kingfishers and otters being spotted too.

18th July

Generally busy over the last few days, though odd session may still be unlucky.

15 dives this morning session plus otters and kingfishers!

12th July 5.30pm

Its getting a bit mad out there! just one Osprey in the 5-8am session which is unusual but now 9 birds so far from 9am, most flying away with fish.

11th July

At least 8 visits today, bulk of them late afternoon/ early evening

9th July

Again most sessions are seeing Ospreys and Kingfishers with Otters being spotted morning and evening

6th July, 6pm

3 birds for the morning session, then nothing until 11am but then another 5 visits until now.

No two days are the same, but most sessions are seeing Ospreys, Kingfishers and various woodland birds.

1st July

Ospreys fishing through most sessions, 4 different birds, otters and a beaver this morning.

28th June

Well, its all been going on over the last few days. Ospreys, up to 7 visits, though a few looking at the farm more than the pond! Otters in the middle of the day, first Kingfishers being spotted and now this morning a Beaver.

22 nd June 1.15pm

Steady stream of birds during the day and into the evenings.

No more updates until we come back next week., Fingers crossed.

20th June 9.20am

No pattern to the visits, but there can be a lot of activity in a short space of time. We watched 6 fish fly away late afternoon to early evening yesterday.

18th June 9.20pm

The visitors for the evening session have just left having seen 7 dives!

15th June 12.30pm

The morning session seems best, followed by the evening one. Patchy during these warm days, though a bird outside at the moment.

13th June 7.25pm

3 birds in the last 1.5 hrs have dived and taken a fish. Total opposite of last night when we only saw 1 circling and not diving. Still seeing the ospreys about 5 or 6 times a day.

10th June, 3pm

More visits, from several different birds, some better than others at fishing the pond!

Mornings and evenings but still the very good chance to see an Osprey during the day, 2 here in the last hour.

8th June

It continues to be a bit hit and miss as far as the Ospreys are concerned. Nothing early this morning ( which is unusual) then 2 at 10.30am.

4th June

The last few days have been very erratic for osprey visits. Most visiting early morning or late afternoon/evening. Now that it appears the chicks are starting to hatch we are expecting things to become much busier.

31st May

Early mornings now looking good for Ospreys and otters. Still some birds about during the day but late afternoon and evening more so.

29th May

Ospreys flying and fishing during the afternoons and evenings more than mornings still. Golden eagles sighted above Samson's Stone and the fort one evening.

26th May

Still quiet for ospreys fishing, busiest late afternoon and early evening. However, we did get our first sighting of kingfishers in the early morning session today! Yesterday late afternoon we were very fortunate to see a golden eagle from our kitchen window soaring above Callander. The first time we have seen one from the house in all our 26years here!

23rd May

It continues to be fairly quiet as the birds nest. We expect a lot of activity in June and July as they feed chicks.

Last few Sessions have been hit and miss, with some seeing more than one bird and others seeing none. Evenings tend to be best.

Interesting pictures from the night vision camera.

19th May

A quiet couple of days including 2 morning sessions that saw no birds. This afternoon so far however we have had 4 feeding Ospreys.

17th May

Ospreys visiting ad hoc, there is no pattern…. evenings do tend to be the best chance of seeing them though.

16th May, 9.30am

3 fish have flown over our house and away this morning already!

12th May

We continue to have around 7 visits a day, but with no pattern.

Otters being seen in the evenings

9th May.

The 10am to 1pm slot has seen the least bird activity, so far.

However this morning 2 Ospreys caught fish, within half an hour of each other.

You just never can tell!

7th May

Plenty of visits, throughout the day today.

Yesterday we did not see our first bird until 13.45pm, then another 6 visited in the afternoon, 1 still being here as it got dark.

5th May

7 birds today, including 2 first thing this morning. Different birds who seem to spend quite a while checking the farm out.

3rd May

Afternoons and evenings remain the best times to see the birds. As I type there are 4 ospreys outside including one drying off in a tree, after a failed dive!

2nd May

Fairly quiet through the day, just 4 birds, but this evening we have seen 3 in an hour. one of them took a fish off our road where it had just been removed from the pond by a Heron! Some more pictures in the gallery.

1st May

Quiet morning again. First guests not to see an osprey, although there was one here just before their session started! Busier this afternoon…. hopeful of some good photos from our recent guests.

30th April

Yesterday fairly quiet during the day. 3 or 4 birds. Busier in the evening, including the male from Argaty Red Kites. This morning as I drink my coffee I can see an osprey in a tree near the hide and we have 2 visitors in the hide who should be getting some good shots!

28th April

Bumper day today - 9 ospreys throughout the day, majority taking fish!

27th April

Very busy yesterday for ospreys, but much quieter today so far. However, the night motion camera picked up beaver, otter, fox and badger in the night and gooseander, and heron during the day. Take a look at the new videos I have just posted.

26th April

Well yesterday we did not see our first Osprey until 4pm, then 4 by 9pm.

Today we saw 5 birds by lunchtime and 3 more in the afternoon. There is no rhyme or reason.

18.50, another bird diving at the Herons!